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IBAN to check: GB56BARC20267478084655
This IBAN has the correct length for this country (GB).
Bankleitzahl (bank code) 202674: This Bankleitzahl (bank code) is correct.
Account number 78084655: The account number contains a valid checksum.
IBAN GB56BARC20267478084655: The IBAN checksum is correct.
This is a valid IBAN.
IBAN: GB56BARC20267478084655 IBAN into the clipboard
BIC: BARCGB22 BIC into the clipboard
P.O. Box 9Barclays HseVictoria StDouglas IM99 1AJ
SEPA Credit Transfer is supported.
SEPA Direct Debit is supported.
B2B is supported.
SEPA Instant Credit Transfer is not supported.
This IBAN can be found (or could be found) online, for everyone to see, e. g. here:[fi]=fi&tx_valIBAN_pi1[iban]=PL20160014621873132430000001Alexa Rank: 50072
Data valid as of: 4. 12. 2024 (December 4, 2024).
Ideal for corporate clients:
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